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Strategic Projects

In its initial year Te Kotahi a Pikiao will establish strategic projects that provide data, information and insights into our collective potential, and, establish foundations for the future growth of Te Kotahi a Pikiao.  These strategic projects are framed around five key focus areas as outlined below. As a kaupapa focused on the common aspirations, unity and collaboration across Ngati Pikiao whanui the projects and services we deliver will evolve overtime to realise the opportunities we uncover as we work together.

Taiao – Environmental

Establishment of a Mana Whakahono agreement with Bay of Plenty Regional Council, to formalise a strategic relationship, principles and ways of working together for the wellbeing of our Pikiao environment. 
Refresh of the Ngati Pikiao Environmental Management Plan (1997), as a strategic document that oulines the guiding principles and aspirations of Ngati Pikiao for the wellbeing of our environment and how we work with other stakeholders, Councils and Central government in the environmental space.  
Establishment of a Pikiao Taiao Service, to co-ordinate the environmental advocacy, action and collaboration across the Pikiao rohe.  Historically this had been done on a voluntary basis, however the pressures, challenges and aspirations we hold for our environment require greater focus and effort if we are to restore the mauri of our environment.  This mahi aims to secure sustainable funding and resources to ensure Pikiao can effectively monitor, take action and advocate for the wellbeing of our environment from a Pikiao perspective. 
Maramataka Project, in collaboration with the National Bio Heritage Science Challenge, Te Kotahi a Pikiao is undertaking a maramataka and tohu taiao project with the aim of: developing a method of mauri monitoring to as an additional means to assessing the wellbeing of our native ngahere  understanding tohu o te whenua to indicate seasonal changes  mapping significant stands of rakau taonga in our rohe cultural mapping to understand the tohu of tutohinga whenua for monitoring the mauri of our taiao and to reclaim the placenames of our tupuna not commonly used today understanding the relationship between tohu marama/ tohu o te rangi, tohu  o te whenua and environmental challenges we are facing rebuilding our connnection to our ngahere, its matauranga and kura huna

Ahurea – Cultural

Supporting the Pikiao Ahurei 2023 by assisting with fundraising and resource support, developing an Ahurei waiata compilation, utulising the ahurei as akey platform for promoting kotahitanga across Pikiao and to raise awareness about strategic challenges and opportunities for our iwi.  
Development of a Pikiao Podcast as a means of inspiring, celebrating and a call for action for Pikiao uri to pursue excellence in their endeavours and contribute to the collective wellbeing of Pikiao.    

Ohanga – Economic

Undertaking research to understand the Collective Economic position and performance of Pikiao entities.  This mahi aims to provide us with strategic information to inform our economic strategies and how we can create greater impact from our collective resources. 
Exploring a Collective Forestry Model.  Forestry is the most common asset and economic land use across the Ngati Pikiao rohe.  This mahi aims to explore the potential of a collective forestry model that enables Pikiao to get greater value from our forestry assets, create more jobs in the forestry space and other forestry related opportunities.  

Waka Hourua – Shared Platforms

Establishment of the website and comms platforms.  This mahi aims to provide platforms to easily share strategic information with Pikiao leadership and uri, including a website, Te Kotahi a Pikiao facebook page and contact database.
Establishing a Sustainable Funding model for Te Kotahi a Pikiao.  For this kaupapa to be effective we need sustainable funding.  Our entities have voiced that they support collaboration but don’t the capacity to drive collaborative initiatives.  This mahi aims to secure sustainable funding from a range of sources including Councils/ Government agencies, Pikiao entities and Public/ Private philanthropic funding sources. 

Kotahitanga – Collaboration

Facilitating a Pikiao Hui Taumata (leadership wananga), focused on bringing together Pikiao leadership to wananga the big challenges and opportunities for Pikiao into the future.  These wananga aim to inspire us about our potential, present plans for realising our potential and engender colllaborative action to realise our aspirations for the future. 
Establishing and maintaining a Pikiao contact database to enable us to easily share information with leadership across our land Trusts and Incorporations, Marae, Kapa Haka Roopu