About Us
We are guided by our whakapapa to our atua, whenua, tupuna, whanau, hapu and iwi.
It tells us who we are, where we come from, gives us a sense of belonging, reminds us of our inate potential and obligations to each other.
Pou: Whakataupotiki
We believe by coming together we can realise our full potential and range of possibilities for our collective futures. Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, we are stronger together.
We actively promote and facilitate collaboration across Pikiao marae, hapu, entities & whanau.
We believe in sharing, giving and connecting.
Pou: Amokura
Pikiao tikanga and kawa informs our thinking and decisions.
We are focused on supporting kaupapa that reinforce our Pikiaotanga and maintain our collective mana.
We will reclaim, relearn and live our Pikiao values, applying them within the context of our world today.
We will reclaim, relearn and live our Pikiao values, applying them within the context of our world today.
Pou: Rehua-Ariki
It’s not about us (current generations), it’s about ensuring we provide a strong Pikiao foundation & identity for our future mokopuna, enabling them to realise their potential.
We strive to be great ancestors for our future mokopuna.
Why do we need Te Kotahi a Pikiao?
Ngati Pikiao is wealthy, talented and rich in natural resources, however because this is fragmented across some 40+ entities it is difficult to understand our collective potential and ensure we are leveraging our resources for the greatest impact. Whilst Ngati Pikiao is in a relatively strong position compared to many iwi, we wonder what our potential could be if we collaborated more across our entities. Furthermore, in terms of the political realm, many authorities have a limited view of Ngati Pikiao’s scale, capability and contribution to Aotearoa. Te Kotahi a Pikiao aims to assist us to understand and and realise our collective potential, whilst providing information that assists us to strengthen our political voice and avocacy.
Te Kotahi a Pikiao provides a clear, overarching guide identifying the focus areas and kaupapa that would benefit from a collaborative approach. This collaboration includes sharing mātauranga, data, resources, and funding to achieve our shared goals of having a strong foundation for iwi, hapū and whānau to thrive.
Imagine what we could achieve with our collective strength, harnessed in the same direction!
Learn more about us
What is Te Kotahi a Pikiao?
Te Kotahi a Pikiao is a collective strategy that has identified, and will progress, a range of strategic projects to improve social, cultural, economic, and environmental outcomes for Ngāti Pikiao whānau.
It was initiated by Nga Koeke o Ngati Pikiao (Ngati Pikiao Council of Elders) with resource support from the Ngati Pikiao Iwi Trust, Rotoiti 15 Trust, Rotoma No 1 Incorporation, Pukahukiwi Kaokaoroa No 2 Incorporation, Tautara Matawhaura Trust and Rotoiti 3V3 Trust.
This strategy aims to unify the Pikiao voice, share Pikiao mātauranga and leverage resources for the betterment of Pikiao whanui.
What is the purpose of Te Kotahi a Pikiao?
Te Kotahi a Pikiao has been designed to help unite the efforts of Pikiao entities to effectively and efficiently achieve our shared aspirations. We have identified initial strategic projects to drive greater collaboration across our entities and as the kaupapa evolves we will identify new strategic projects.
In our first year we are focused on strategic projects that provide data, information and insights into our collective potential, and, establish foundations for the future growth of Te Kotahi a Pikiao.
How we identify and deliver strategic projects is based both on our guiding whakatauki (“herea nga weri o te kiki, kia kore ai e matata”), our guiding values (Whakapapa, Whakaaro Tupuna, Kotahitanga, Aronga Mokopuna) and the following whakatauki from our tupuna Hemana Pokiha.
Ko ta te wananga, he maioha – Knowledge brings intellect
Ko ta te pukenga, he maramatanga – Wisdom brings greater understanding
Ko ta te tapere, he manako – Song and dance bring aspiration
Ko ta te maire, he tapiri – Humility brings unity
Ka ta te tu taua, he tiaki – Weaponry brings courage
Ko ta te whakapapa, he kotahi – Connectedness brings oneness
Ko ta te manako, he mokopuna – Aspiration brings new life
Ko ta Pikiao he whai – Pikiao….Our purpose is to succeed
In being guided by these whakatauki and mataapono the objectives of Te Kotahi a Pikiao are to:
– Provide knowledge and wisdom to Pikiao leadership to assist them in navigating the challenges and aspirations of their time
– Inspire Pikiao uri to pursue excellence in their endeavours
– Develop strategic tools and platforms that assist Pikiao entities to be effective, efficient and work together
– Celebrate our identity as Ngati Pikiao
– Promote kotahitanga across our iwi and facilitate meaningful collaborative projets
– Facilitate a united Pikiao voice in advocating for the aspirations of our iwi
Who is responsible for overseeing Te Kotahi a Pikiao?
As a collective strategy, Te Kotahi a Pikiao involves all our Pikiao entities and agencies to implement the strategy and carry out the identified kaupapa. Te Kotahi a Pikiao is supported by Te Runanga o Ngati Pikiao as the legal entity that administers funding we receive and is governed by Te Ohu Hautu (Governance Group) made up of:
Laurence Tamati
Reina Englen
Cheryl Stephens
Chelsea Smith
Tepora Apirana
Matarena Ihakara
The governance group is supported by Te Tima Tutuki (Project Team) made up of Arapeta Tahana, Matene Haimona and Shaquille Baker.
How can I learn more about Te Kotahi a Pikiao?
To learn more about Te Kotahi a Pikiao, go to 1pikiao.nz or sign up to our e-pānui to receive regular updates [insert subscribe link here]
You can also connect with us on our Facebook page and through our website.
If you’re keen to get involved with this kaupapa, contact info@1pikiao.com